Dog haircutsPet

20 Best Shih Tzu Haircuts


18.  Neatly brushed


Even if your Shih Tzu haircut is short, you still need to pay special attention to brushing. Brush the dog’s hair at least once a week to make sure there are no knots. Badly brushed hair can lead to an unplanned haircut.


19.  Nothing special

If you don’t want to worry about your dog’s hair on a daily basis, you need to keep it short. Just leave some hair on the dog’s ears and tails, the rest can be trimmed as short as possible.


20.  Paw care

When you are thinking about your pet’s new haircut, make sure to ask the groomer to check the paws. The hair on the pads needs to be kept as short as possible. Any hair between the toes must be trimmed as well.

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Shih Tzu Grooming for Beginners

Since Shih Tzus have long hair, they need special care. As soon as it turns 3 months, the coat needs to be clipped.

The shorter you make the hair, the better the dog feels. So you need to teach it to behave during the grooming process ever since it’s a puppy. Before giving your dog its first haircut, you need to make sure it’s now afraid of the scissors.

Ever since your Shih Tzu is a small puppy, teach it the sound of scissors snipping. Do it a few times each week so the dog is not afraid of the sound when you actually start the cutting.

The hair must be brushed on a weekly basis or even more often, depending on how active the dog is. If you want the groomer to take care of the dog’s coat in the future, you need to teach your pet to wear a muzzle during grooming. Start by putting it on before brushing at home.



Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Shih Tzu haircuts.

Do Shih Tzu puppies have hair or fur?

Shih Tzu puppies and adult dogs have hair, not fur. Hair and fur are similar but do have some significant differences. It has a fine texture and can grow to a considerably longer length. In comparison, fur is usually shorter and coarser than hair. 

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