Dog haircutsPet

20 Best Shih Tzu Haircuts


How often does a Shih Tzu need haircuts?

Shih Tzus should have their hair trimmed around every month or every six weeks. Much like human hair, their hair grows rather quickly and requires grooming to prevent split ends and tangles. 



When should you give your Shih Tzu its first haircut?

Most Shih Tzus get their first haircuts when they are three or four months old. They usually have at least an inch of hair and need some grooming to avoid tangles. Once your Shih Tzu receives their first haircut, you can start them on a routine of getting their hair done every four to six weeks. 


Do Shih Tzu puppies shed?

Shih Tzus generally don’t shed, but Shih Tzu puppies will shed their baby hair when they are around a year old. Although you don’t have to worry about a Shih Tzu adult shedding often, a Shih Tzu puppy will go through a phase where they lose its soft puppy coat and replace it with adult hair. 


Can Shih Tzus’ hair be straightened?

A qualified dog groomer can straighten its hair. A professional dog groomer will know to apply a heat protectant to your dog’s hair before using a straight iron and will have the experience to straighten your dog’s hair without hurting or scaring them. 


Is baby shampoo safe on a Shih Tzu’s hair?

Avoid using human shampoo, including baby shampoo, on your puppy. Most dogs are allergic to the substances in human shampoos, and the shampoo will leave them with itchy skin and dull hair. If you have to use human shampoo on your Shih Tzu, baby shampoo is the best option since it is the most gentle. 


Does a Shih Tzu’s hair stop growing?

A purebred’s hair will continuously grow if it is not cut. A Shih Tzu’s hair is not that different from a human’s hair, so as long as the dog is healthy, the hair will grow. 

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