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Wire Haired Dachshund: 10 Character Traits That Can Surprise You

Wondering whether or not you should adopt a wire haired dachshund? Their pretty eyes and friendly wagging tails make these dogs almost impossible to pass by.

Whether you are looking for a friend or a family member, dachshunds can pleasantly surprise you with their abilities. We are offering you a chance to learn important things about this breed, so you can make a smart decision about adoption.



What You Always Wanted to Know about Wire Haired Dachshunds

If you have never owned a dog before, there are many nuances you have to consider before making the purchase. This important decision shouldn’t be made without proper planning.

All dogs are different. Even the cutest ones can become a nuance with the wrong approach. Meanwhile, the scariest breeds can be the most dedicated friends when trained properly. A wire haired dachshund can easily become your best friend for life. However, you need to be aware of its special personality traits.

Below is a list that can help get to know the dog you are about to buy. Read here some interesting facts on long haired Dachshunds.


1. Loud and Frequent Barking

Dachshunds love to bark as soon as they see the slightest cause for making the sound. Be it a big ant or a burglar, you’ll get plenty of loud barking. This is not a dog you can leave roaming around the yard since it may cause you trouble with the neighbors.

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2. Unacceptance of Other Dogs

Stranger dogs can make the dachshund very upset and ready to start a fight. Since this breed is not too large, it can lead to some trouble.

You need to be always around to stop the Dachshund from provoking other dogs. However, you shouldn’t worry about other pets in your family. Wire haired dachshunds are always nice to the animals they consider their family members.


3. Housebreaking Problems

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