Health & wellness

12 Best Passion Fruit Benefits For Health, Hair & Skin

  • Passion fruit oil is extracted from the seeds of the fruit. The oil has a high number of antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin A, and other minerals which give it the property of being anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-itch.
  • The antioxidants help in smoothening out the wrinkles on the skin and reducing the lines. Passion fruit oil benefits the skin thus by acting as an anti-ageing cream.
  • The anti-bacterial properties of oil help in keeping the skin free from skin problems like acne. The fatty acids help in keeping the skin hydrated and moisturized.

How To Consume:

  • Apply the Passion fruit oil on the skin regularly.

12. Passion Fruit Benefits for Hair:

Passion fruit benefits for hair include providing healthy hair and clearing all hair related problems.

  • It is a rich source of antioxidants like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin 6 and also a number of minerals like copper and potassium. These nutrients altogether support the growth of healthy and lustrous hair.
  • Hair problems are usually a result of nutritional deficiencies and can be battled with a good intake of nutritious food. This, in turn, supplies all the essential nutrients to the hair follicles through the circulatory system.
  • Passion fruit oil can be used for application on the scalp to cure hair problems like itchy scalp and dandruff. It also hydrates the scalp and solves the problem of dry and damaged hair.

How To Consume:

  • Massage your hair and scalp with Passion fruit oil weekly.

Passion Fruit Side Effects:

By and large, the Passion fruit is a perfectly safe fruit to be consumed by all.

  • In very rare cases, people with a latex allergy have found to react similarly with an allergy to the passion fruit too. This could probably be because certain proteins found in latex are very similar to those found in the passion fruit.
  • Passion fruit has a sedative property which could react adversely if taken along with other drugs. It is advisable to consult the doctor if you are on medication.
  • Passion fruit juice is sometimes enjoyed when mixed with alcohol. This can reduce your reflex actions so please take caution.
  • Passion fruit is not recommended to be taken with aspirin as it can increase the effect of the drug.

Although the consumption of Passion fruit could give rise to certain side effects in some people, the benefits of the fruit are notably much more in number. It is a superfruit with a multitude of benefits which is now reaching out all across the world. People across the globe are reaping its health benefits and designing new forms in which it can be consumed. Hence, it can be recommended to people of all ages to relish on this lip-smacking fruit without a doubt.

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