Health & wellness

12 Best Benefits Of Ginger Water (Adrak Water) For Skin, Hair & Health

Ginger is the exclusive kitchen ingredient that enhances the flavour of recipes across almost every cuisine, is also an amazing herbal remedy ingredient and ginger water is an exceptional solution for many health issues. If you have heard about ginger water and wondering is ginger water good for health and how to make ginger water, here is everything for you to know about the health benefits of ginger water and how to make ginger water.


What Is Ginger Water?

Ginger, our very own adrak that we grate into anything right from curries to chai to salads, is a perennial root that effortlessly creeps underground. Ginger water is nothing but ginger boiled in water. It is a simple recipe which can be made with minimum effort and is a great health booster!

How To Make Ginger Water?

This is how you can make ginger water:

  • Remove the husk of the ginger and cut into small pieces.
  • Add water to it and grind in a mixer.
  • After this strain it in a jar to avoid any lump formation.
  • Now your ginger water is ready.
  • If you are wondering how to drink ginger water as it may taste different solely with ginger flavour, you could actually try giving it a sweet touch by adding some honey or sugar as per taste.

How Much Ginger Water Dosage Should I Use Daily?

Ginger enhances your health from within and enriches your skin tone as well! Now, here is how much of ginger water you can consume per day.

  • Usually, if it is ginger water made out of boiling freshly grated ginger, then you can have not more than two glasses of such water per day.
  • If it is ginger extract that you want to mix with water and have, then restrict it to 4 grams of extract per day.

Ensure your daily intake is not more than 5 grams as too much of anything can give you a not-so-good result. Although ginger is natural, there may be certain side effects of drinking ginger water in excess amounts. So just be careful about that!

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