
Salty Foods During Pregnancy: What to Eat, What to Avoid and More

Salt, which is a form of sodium, plays a significant role in our diet’s intake. Sodium is required for everyone at a minimum designated level to maintain the body’s pH levels and fluid balance. But if you are pregnant, have you ever wondered if you can have salty food during pregnancy? If you did, do not worry, you are not only one.

This most common dilemma and the query must not be underrated, salt intake for pregnant women is as important as for any other normal women or individual. But, one must know what the required dosage is and what can be over consumption, along with side-effects and other tips. Let’s take a more in-depth look to get all your queries answered.


Why Do Pregnant Women Need Salt?

Salt, also known as sodium chloride, plays an essential part in the overall diet. This is especially the case for pregnant women. When you are carrying a baby, your body’s fluid levels tend to alter, and salt is a significant component that aids in balancing and maintain the fluids. However, higher salt intake is proved to increase blood pressure as well (1), and it is crucial always to regulate the levels and have the input within the prescribed range.

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How Much Salt is Safe for Pregnant Ladies, and What is the Daily Range?

According to the US Medicine dietary guidelines and department of health and human services (2,3), one can have up to 2300milligrams of sodium. The same applies even for pregnant women. But if the women who are carrying also have underlying issues such as hypertension, then the intake will reduce. However, the daily intake and range are about a teaspoon of salt per day, which is six grams. More than given range, eating salty food during pregnancy is not recommended.

Is Craving Salty Foods Normal During Pregnancy?

Cravings during pregnancy are quite common. If you are carrying a baby, you often find yourself longing for foods; you may not imagine as well. On regular days, you may or may not like salty foods, but you may be craving for it. But is liking salty food during pregnancy normal? Is it healthy?

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