Health & wellness

15 Best Yoga Asanas To Reduce Belly Fat

Does your belly often pop out of your shirt? Wish you could go back to your slimmer self? You have a perfect solution in the form of Yoga to reduce belly fat, when combined with a right diet and lifestyle. With the right blend of exercises, breathing techniques and meditation, Yoga can also help in an overall weight management. By performing them regularly, you are sure to notice tighter abs, toned abdominal area and also a lighter self!

While Performing yoga to lose belly fat, individuals can experience inner peace, as well as stay in shape. Time to increase your confidence and reduce unwanted “baggage” in your life!


Yoga Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat:

Our unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits, along with no exercise have led to a large number of cases for obesity. Most of the fat is stored around the stomach region and that’s very tough to get rid of. Yoga is a proven method to reduce belly fat and also provides a healthy body and mind giving you an overall well-being.

Regular practice of yoga strengthens your core and abdomen muscles and thereby contributing to a flatter abdomen. You can practice yoga to reduce tummy fat and the asanas that require bending and twisting also help relieve you of any gas buildup that causes bloating.Visceral fat is stored in the stomach and has the risks of many diseases. Certain yoga asanas for stomach fat loss, will help burn this stubborn fat and reduces the overall body fat. Studies have proven that regular practice of yoga for a year has helped reduce fat and the inches on the waist.

Here we explain how to reduce belly fat by yoga asanas. These yoga poses not only for belly fat and helpful for fitness and health for both men and women. We have put out some of the best yoga poses to reduce belly fat with pictures:

1. Yoga Wheel Pose (Chakrasana):

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