Health & wellness

12 Best Passion Fruit Benefits For Health, Hair & Skin

The Passion fruit grows on the very popular family of vine species of flowering plants called Passion Flower. The Passion fruit scientific name is Passiflora edulis. Passion fruit is a tropical plant which is a native of southern Brazil, Paraguay, and northern Argentina. In fact, Passion fruit flower is the national flower of Paraguay. However, it is now being extensively cultivated across tropical and semi-tropical areas of the world. Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Kenya, South Africa, South America, Mexico, Peru, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and India are some of the major countries who are cultivating it for its commercialization. A notable speciality of the Passion fruit benefits is that their leaves, flowers, fruit all have medicinal values.


What Is Passion Fruit?

The fruit appears like a berry and is either round or oval in shape. It is around the size of a lemon. It has a hard outer surface with an edible soft juicy centre filled with numerous black seeds. The fleshy passion fruit pulp along with its many seeds is edible. The passion fruit taste is a tangy acidic taste with a rich aroma.

Types Of Passion Fruit:

The passion fruit is commonly found in 3 varieties:

1. The Purple Passion Fruit: This variety of fruits have outer colour shades between dark purple to violet and an inner orange or greenish pulp and edible seeds. It is anti-ageing in European countries.

2. The Yellow Passion Fruit: This variety produces yellow coloured fruit with a yellowish pulp and slightly bigger than their purple counterpart. It is cultivated commercially for its juice extracts.

3. The Giant Granadilla: This is the less famous variety. Although it is similar in appearance to its yellow variety, it is quite tasteless.

Is Passion Fruit Healthy?

According to research and as per information received from various nutritionists across the globe, the Passion fruit nutrition facts would surprise us. This small little wonder is a bonanza filled with nutrition. The Passion fruit is filled with antioxidants, various vitamins, and minerals.

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