Health & wellness

Milk for Weight Loss- Benefits and Nutritional Importance

5. Rich in Protein:

Proteins are elementary units of our body and have various functions. Milk, a rich source of protein, provides energy to work all day long. (4) Protein plays a prominent role in repairing the body muscles. Also, consuming milk every day prevents unnecessary food cravings. Milk elevates hormones that reduce appetite while reducing levels of the hunger hormones

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6. It Has Conjugated Linolenic Acid:

Studies show that conjugated linolenic acid in milk can help in burning fat. This acid helps obese people lose weight by increasing lean muscle mass. Many of us avoid dairy when we want to lose weight. But milk is a better option than many other beverages available in the market. Drinking 2 glasses of milk every day has various health benefits along with weight loss. Along with keeping your brain sharp, it keeps your body fit. It doesn’t make you fat if you work out properly regularly.

7. Keeps You Hydrated:

Milk is very good at hydrating your body. Milke has a point up than water as it retains for a longer time than water. Besides, milk provides essential nutrients, including calcium, protein, and vitamin B. It is a better and healthier substitute to many artificially flavored beverages. Electrolyte balance in our body is nurtured by sodium and potassium in milk. Milk is not a replacement for a healthy intake of water, but adding a balanced amount of liquid can help hydrate your body.

8. Drinking Milk After A Workout:

Milk or beverages with milk are best consumed after a workout as opposed to before or during exercise. Protein, carbohydrates, and fat in milk take longer to digest. Milk is a perfect beverage when you perform resistance based workouts as it increases muscle mass, and you can lose body fat. You can rehydrate yourself with a glass of milk after a rigorous workout as it increases muscle protein. Sometimes massive workout results in tissue damage, milk contains those essential nutrients necessary for tissue repair.

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