
140 Awesome Molon Labe Tattoo Ideas with Meanings and Celebrities

  • Modernized Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

The forearm of this man is adorned with this magnificent tattoo of a Spartan helmet bearing the famous retort from King Leonidas to King Xerxes. Soldiers with helmets adorned with transverse horsehair crests were called hoplites, who were officers in ancient Greece.

  • Miraculous Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Shoulder

Here is a simple design of the Spartan helmet accompanied by its battle cry. Darkish shading is accentuated with black and grey details, contouring, and strategic negative space. Throughout, the letters are painted finely, precisely, and in a curved pattern that complements the shape of the edge of the helmet.

  • Fantastic Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm

I like the American traditional form which has been given to this Molon Labe tattoo.

  • Incredible Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm

I like this addition of the arrow because its shows that your focus is on this destination that you concentrate on.

  • Brave Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

I love how the design is added with the American flag along with a skull and some guns!

  • Artistic Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm

Even in the face of certain death, King Leonidas refused to hand over his weapons. Those who wear Molon Labe apparel share the sentiment. To protect itself against a tyrannical government, the populace must be well-armed.

  • Bold Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm

In a shorthand version, here’s how Canon came to design its flag. Texans were presented with this canon in 1831 by the Mexican government. They were able to repel raids by the Comanche thanks to it. A few years later, the Mexican government decided that giving these settlers such a weapon wasn’t a good idea and demanded it is returned. They wrote to the Mexican government to inform them that they would not be receiving the cannon back. In the letter, it also stated that if they wanted it back, they would have to “come and take it”. Approximately 100 Mexican troops were sent to Gonzales to capture a flag that carried the same words that the Mexican government had been given. It became the battle cry of the Texas militia that fought against the Mexicans with about 150 men. As for the cannon, no one knows what happened to it, since it was almost lost to history.

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