
140 Awesome Molon Labe Tattoo Ideas with Meanings and Celebrities

I like how a simple text tattoo has been made quite creative using a helmet right in the middle.

  • Accustomed Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm


In history, disarming the public usually leads to enslavement. Gun owners have a disproportionate amount of power over non-owners. There have been multiple genocides and atrocities all over the world, against those who can’t defend themselves.

  • Striking Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm

Despite gun control proposals and laws being passed across the country, supporters of the 2nd Amendment will defend their right to bear arms. The gun owners will fight before they give up their arsenals, even as all-out bans loom and ammunition and accessories are less readily available.

  • Admirable Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm

A simple and minimalistic tattoo calls for a beautiful text one.

  • Snakey Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Upper Back

I like the snake tattoo added with the text because of how ferocious it looks!

  • Adorable Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Leg

It is a simple warrior helmet with the wordings written on it in black ink.

  • Honest Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Chest

The chest is a greta area to make this kind of tattoo because it seems like it is something very close to the heart.

  • Rounded Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm

Since the phrase is Greek, the phrase is known as Molon Labe, since it is written in Greek script. As well as having Greek roots, it’s a slogan used by several military units around the world, including the military of the United States.

  • Cool Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Neck

In the Greco-Persian Wars of the 5th Century BCE, King Leonidas of Sparta led a contingent of 300 Spartans to stand against the second invasion of Persians at Thermopylae (or Hot Gates). At the end of the battle, the Persians told the Spartans to lay down their weapons. Leonidas responded with “Molon Labe!” (Come and get them!) according to legend, which roughly translates to “come and get them!” It means “come, get, or take them!”

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