Health & wellness

Weight Gain During Periods: Reasons and How Long Does It Last?

Every woman goes through the emotional roller-coaster of periods (menstrual cycle) every month and all the symptoms associated with it. But did you know women also gain weight during their periods? As if the menstrual cycle is not stressful enough, do we have to worry about weight gain? There is a chance of weight gain of about 2 to 5 pounds, and it is nothing but one of the symptoms of PMS(Premenstrual syndrome).

This article delves into why there is a weight gain during periods, the cause, and how long it lasts. Read on to know more!


Why Do You Weigh More During Your Period:

Have you ever wondered why you gain those extra pounds, especially during periods? We present you with some of the reasons you weigh more during your menstrual cycle.

1. Impaired Digestion:

There is a lot of hormones involved during the process of menstruation. There is an impairment of the digestion process when there is improper hormonal balance. You can find yourself facing distention, bloating, gas retention in the stomach during periods since there is a fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone hormones in some people. When there are issues in your digestive system, it tends to show an increase in your weight.

See Also: Healthy Foods to Improve Digestion

2. Water Retention:

Water retention might be one of the culprits that are making you gain weight during your periods. Progesterone and estrogen play an essential role in regulating the balance of water in your body, and the levels of these hormones fall when you are due for your period. This fluctuation in hormones results in water retention resulting in weight gain since tissue fluids accumulate (1). You can feel water retention during periods in the extremities, stomach, or breast.

3. Issues with the Gut:

Bloating, constipation, indigestion are some of the gut issues many women experience during their periods. Just a few days before your periods, there are elevated progesterone levels, which results in slower gut movement. This causes constipation since your entire digestive tract becomes sluggish.

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