Health & wellness

Spiritual Meditation Techniques

As you start getting used to meditation, you go afar from the worldly materials and emotions and draw closer to yourself. You start discover your inner soul and you want to connect to God, and experience of within you. You will realize that your joy, well being, peace, etc. all lies within you and they get an opportunity to come into existence when you give them that importance through meditation.


Best Techniques for Spiritual Meditation:


As we bring attention to breathing, we start removing attention from the worldly things. The mind starts feeling calm and we have no ego left. We start thinking deep and then the spiritual mind arises within us. This is when we connect to God.

[Read: Third Eye Meditation for Beginners]

1. Sit comfortably and choose a place of solitude. If you are a mere beginner, try and cut down all sorts of distraction as you need to concentrate.

2. Close your eyes and feel yourself to be comfortable enough to start.

3. Breathe and follow your breath. You might find it to fluctuate as sometimes it could be fast, sometimes slow and sometimes deeps. Don’t worry, it is pretty natural.

4. If thoughts start flowing in just draw your attention to breathing. Don’t try to pull or push the air coming in and out. Let your body breathe in its own speed.

5. Air and breath are a reflection of Spirit. As we breathe in and out we feel very good and relaxed. We have a feeling of gratitude for it and gratitude open the path to healing, light and love.

6. More and more practice would make you get deeper into the spiritual side of meditation. You will feel stillness in your mind and you will more calm and composed.


In spiritual meditation it is very important to realize that there is no past that you hold back or future which you worry about. Your focus is in the present moment and you need to let go of time and stress on the stillness of the moment only. This is when your spirit starts feeling pure. You are drawn to light, love, peace and happiness.

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