Health & wellness

18 Amazing Benefits of Acai Berries (Karvandha) For Health, Hair & Skin

Acai berries have been in use for quite some years now, but they were introduced to the world in the year 1990. The first use of these acai berries was started by the Amazonian tribe, who used these berries for curing their illness and various skin ailments. Later, with the use, they also found that the berries are good for reducing the cholesterol levels and other health troubles and it is when acai berries made its way to the main ingredient for delivering the desired health. In this article, you get the amazing benefits of acai berries to the various body parts, including the health, hair, and skin, with its high amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

What Is Acai Berry?

Acai berries (Karvandha) is a grape-like fruit which is found in the rain forests of South America. These berries are harvested from the acai palm trees and are deep purple in colour. Talking about the taste of acai berries then, it serves as a combined taste of chocolates and berries.


These fresh acai berries are about 1-2 cm in diameter and are known to deliver a number of healthy skin and hair benefits to its consumers. Considering its various benefits, it is often called a ‘super-food’ ageing the needed benefits to the users.

Different Types Of Acai Berries:

After you are aware of what are acai berries, let us have a look at the different types of acai berries available in the market. Well, to be honest, there is not much variety in these berries, and you will find all the needed benefits in these normal acai berries. Though you may find some variations in the size, mostly all the acai berries are the same as you may find in the market normally.

Are Acai Berries Good for You?

Yes, acai berries are extremely good for health. Fresh acai berries are considered the best when it comes to delivering the expected health, skin and hair benefits to the person. Along with the various uses of acai berries, the acai berry nutritional facts indicate that these berries have got all needed vitamins and minerals that are needed to fulfil the body’s need for proper and full growth.

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