Health & wellness

Sri Swami Satyananda Yoga Poses & Their Benefits

Satyananda Yoga is named after its founder, Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati who developed this yoga which is a combination of the ancient traditional yoga and the modern medical physiotherapy. A guru as well as a yoga master in both India and the West, his teachings are propagated in India in the name of The Bihar School of Yoga. It is an extensive practice which besides asanas and Pranayam also includes shatkarmas or the six purification techniques, Yoga Nidra, Dhyan Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Juna Yoga, Seva Yoga amongst others. Now let us explore some of the best Satyananda Yoga poses.


Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati Yoga Poses:

  1. What is Satyananda Yoga?
  2. Difference Between Iyengar Yoga and Satyananda Yoga?
  3. What are the effects of Satyananda Yoga?

Some of the most basic poses of Satyananda Yoga have been discussed in the following paragraphs.

1. Cobra Pose:

To do the Cobra Pose, you need to lie on your stomach and keep your feet close together. Your hands should be under your shoulders on the ground. Take a deep breath and lift your head very slowly. After this, you must lift your chest and abdomen as well. Keep navel on the floor.

2. Bow Pose:

To do the Bow Pose lie on the yoga mat and keep your hands by your side. Your forehead should rest on the mat. Close your eyes and breathe twice. Bend your knees now and bring your feet towards your buttocks. Hold your legs and lift your legs and torso off the floor. Hold for a few poses and come back to the first position.

3. Lotus Pose:

For the Lotus Pose, you need to sit on the yoga mat and fold your legs in such a way that one is on top of the other. Place your hands on your knees, tuck your stomach in, feel the stretch, and hold the pose for a few seconds. Come back to the normal position and do this a few times.

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