DreadlocksPopular & trends

20 Stunning Hairstyles With Thin Dreads

How many times have you thought about getting thin dreadlocks and backed off because you weren’t quite sure? Well, think no more. We have collected here some fantastic pictures of dreadlocks that will make you go all gaga and drag your heart willingly to the world of dreadlocks.

Fixating you with its uniqueness and extraordinary looks these dreadlocks are sure to make you fall in love with it. These thin hair dreads are just the next best thing to try with your looks.



How to Make Thin Dreads

To make thin dreads, you can either use rollers or plait your hair. In either case, make sure that you use a very little portion of hair and also dampen your hair while doing so. For thinner curls use a soft sponge. Cover your hair in a skill cloth overnight, and you will have your amazing set of dreadlocks in the morning just as you want them to be. Try this very easy hair maintenance look by using these simple procedures.


Watch The Following Video to Learn How to Make Dreads for Thin Hair


Thin Dreads vs. Skinny Dreads

How thin can one’s dread get? The dilemma of this question is huge. Well, your hair can have the kind of dreadlocks just as you want that be thin, skinny or thick. The deal with dreadlocks is how you braid them that’s going to make all the difference.

The skinny dreadlocks are braided by using an extremely small amount of hair. Now it is to be noted, that if the quantity of hair is large and you are going for skinny dreads, then they will be extremely difficult to maintain because these dreadlocks add volume to your hair.

On the other hand, the thin braids are made by taking a little bit more hair and depending upon the thickness of your hair braiding them out. Skinny dreads are usually for people who have extremely thin hair on the other hand people with a fair amount of hair should definitely go for thin dreads. Your dreads really depend on the thickness of your hair.

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