Health & wellness

20 Best Acai Berry Juice Benefits With Nutrition Facts

Acai Berry is a fruit grown on Acai palm trees that are grown in South and Central American regions. These purple coloured, round fruits are often called “Brazillian Superfruits”. They were originally found in the Amazon region, where Acai berries are consumed by the locals as a staple food. Acai berries are about 1 inch long and are quite juicy and tangy. These berries have captured the attention of the world for their incredible health benefits. Acai berries are known to have more antioxidants compared to other berries such as Strawberry, Blueberry or Blackberry. In this article, we shall discuss more these incredible fruits and also know the Best Acai Berry Juice Benefits.

What Is Acai Berry Juice?

Native to the Amazon forests, Acai Berries are 1 inch long round fruits grown on the Acai palm trees. They have dark purple coloured skin, with yellow flesh inside. Acai Berries are scientifically not berries, as they have a seed or a pit inside. However, due to the characteristics they portray, Acai fruits are referred to as berries. The skin is generally removed before consuming them. The berries are soaked in water to get the skins out, pitted and mashed to form a paste. This paste can be diluted with water to make Acai berry juice.


Acai Berries Are Known With The Following Names In Local Indian Languages:

  • Yāsiyi berry (Telugu)
  • Akāyperri (Tamil)
  • Akai Berri (Kannada)

In other languages like Marathi, Punjabi, these berries are referred to as Acai Berries.

Is Acai Berry Good For Health?

Acai berries are packed with nutrition and are one of the best superfoods nature has to offer. These unique berries are good sources of healthy fats and also contain low amounts of sugar, unlike the other berries. The berries are rich in antioxidants, especially a compound called Anthocyanin, which is responsible for the deep purple colour of the fruit. They are also excellent sources of Chromium, Magnesium, Iron, Copper, Phosphorous and Manganese.

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