Health & wellness

Reiki Meditation Techniques

Reiki meditation does wonders for relaxation. It benefits people from different walks of life. It is a form of meditation which can hamper you mind and body if it is not being practiced properly. To avoid chaos you need to abide by a few rules which are important for balancing the mind, body and spirit. With the help of Reiki meditation you can get your life back on track and transform yourself completely.


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How to Do Reiki Meditation:


1. Sit or lie down in comfort and keep your spine straight. Start taking deep breaths and imagine that the most pure and healing power of energy in entering your body. As you exhale give away all tensions, negativities, pain, anxieties, anger, depression, etc. Let it all out with your breath and just get rid of them.

2. Place your hands on each of the major chakras on the front on your and hold them each for about 3 minutes. If your body needs to be held a little more then hold it for a few more minutes. Get connected to your body and start trusting it. When you hold your hands on the chakras feel that there is super natural energy which is invading in your body. Start letting it flow from your hands and then to the rest of your body. You would be at peace and your mind would be relaxed.

3. Place both of your hands and finger at the top of your head as you hold and listen to your body. Feel it with gentle love and affection. Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly. Stress on the positive things about life and let all negatives fly off.

4. Gently take your hands off from the head and place them on your forehead covering your eyes. Feel comforted and relax.

5. Now again move your hands back to the head gently and place them in a comfortable position.

[Read: What is Spiritual Meditation and Its Benefits]

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