
140 Awesome Molon Labe Tattoo Ideas with Meanings and Celebrities

The Molon Labe tattoo has become increasingly popular in recent years even though it relates to an older phrase. It can be seen from the table below that there are not a lot of Molon Labe tattoo meanings available, but those that are can be used by a very large majority of people. In addition to this, there are several ways you can get your Molon Labe tattoo designed and several places on your body where you can have it executed.

Listed below is a discussion of the meaning and history of the Molon Labe tattoo. As we dive more deeply into the meaning of this tattoo and explore what it may mean to a person who has the symbol tattooed on their body, we will also examine who might have this tattoo. Additionally, we will explore some of the ways the Molon Labe tattoo has evolved, and we will look into the impact of the imagery added to the tattoo on its symbolism. After reading this post, hopefully, and upon learning about this phrase, you will become more knowledgeable.


The History of Molon Labe

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The phrase “Molon Labe” is an Ancient Greek one that has been used throughout history and is originally attributed to Greek historian Herodotus in his “Histories”, in which he recounts the history of Ancient Greece. Many people do not realize that the phrase originated all that long ago since it has been used so many times throughout history. While most people know that the phrase is Greek, they don’t realize that its origins are thousands of years old.

It was Leonidas who is credited with saying this at the Battle of Thermopylae to the Persian emperor Xerxes. Traditionally, it translates to “Come and take them”, a testament to the fact that an army will not surrender and must persevere until the end. This Molon Labe tattoo meaning is very appropriate since it assures no matter what happens you will remain steadfast. These statements are proudly worn by many people because they feel this description defines them.

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