
140 Awesome Molon Labe Tattoo Ideas with Meanings and Celebrities

  • Excelling Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm

The words Molon Labe were used by King Leonidas of Sparta and King Xerxes of Persia before the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. King Xerxes flew an army of 10,000 men to attack the Spartans, who laid down their weapons. This battle was lost by the Spartans because 10,000 men lost their fight. Sparta’s moral and tactical victory nevertheless was great for its citizens. People of Sparta had some time to evacuate to Salamis islands several days before the attack. Greeks earlier defeated the Persians in the Battle of Salamis and subsequently crushed them in the Battle of Plataea a year later.

  • Angular Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm

In the First World War or the Greco-Turkish War, the now-well-known military motto ‘ Molon Labe‘ appears to have originated in Greece. On the emblem of the I Army Corps of Greece and the Second Infantry Division of Cyprus, the motto is displayed. There are some similarities between this phrase and the Thermopylae monument (1955). It was carved in an archaic script suitable for the historical period during which the Persian Wars took place.

  • Devoted Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Arm

The Cypriot leader Grigoris Afxentiou was surrounded by British forces on 3 March 1957 outside his hideout near a mountain monastery near Lazanias, Nicosia, during the Cyprus Emergency between Greek Cypriot insurgents and British troops. Despite repeated requests from the British troops, Afxentiou shouted Molon Labe in response. As the British forces were unable to flush him out and sustained several casualties, they turned to a fuel-fueled pyrotechnic attack on his hideout.

  • Applied Molon Labe Tattoo Design On Shoulder

A reference to the phrase in translation (“Come and take it!”) is first recorded during the Revolutionary War, with an official mention in 1778 at Fort Morris in Georgia, and later, at the Battle of Gonzales during the Texas Revolution, where was became a popular slogan.

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