Health & wellness

How To Do Lotus Mudra, Steps To Do and Benefits?

Mudra exercises are a part of Yoga asanas but essentially use the hand postures to achieve desired results. Mudras are performed by positioning the fingers in various postures to open up the chakras and channel energy into the body. They can also help in calming down a chaotic mind and bring in positivity. Lotus Mudra is one such amazing hand posture, which is known to drive in feelings of love, joy and compassion. This mudra opens up the heart chakra, which helps you open up your feelings for others. Lotus mudra is also a symbol of purity, where you will replace your negative thoughts with love and care for others.

In this article, we shall discuss Lotus Mudra benefits and steps to perform it.


What Is Lotus Mudra?

Lotus mudra is a hand posture that resembles an open lotus. This mudra is known to help you stay connected to your roots and keep yourself grounded. The mudra removes all sorts of negative feelings and help you open up your thoughts to accept others.

[Read: Yoga Mudras – Mahamudra]

Lotus Mudra Meaning:

The lotus flower mudra symbolises a pure and open heart. This is more like a symbol of purity. Just like a lotus which sits on the surface of a pond which it’s roots are tightly clasped and jointed with the ground beneath. The lotus is very much open and it is like the world is embracing it. Its roots are deeply engrossed in the muddy bottom which is completely dark and messy.

Importance Of Lotus Mudra:

Lotus is a symbol of something which is like goodness emerging from dark and sad times. It is like you are coming out of the good factors and characteristics of the bad events of life. It’s also like you have been surrounded with darkness all your life and finally, you are coming out with light and shine and looking at all the positive things and attributes in life. It is like after all the dark and gloomy times you have noticed something good and positive.

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