Health & wellness

Top 15+ Calcium Rich Fruits Available in India for Bones

When we talk of Calcium, the first thing that comes to our mind is Dairy! However, many vegans find it very concerning to meet their daily Calcium requirements of at-least 1000 mg, without milk or cheese in their diet! All the worries can be put to rest with these amazing Calcium rich fruits. Yes! There are many fruits that are quite high in Calcium which can aid in the proper bone health of the body. Including these fruits in your daily diet can prevent bone-related issues like Osteoporosis, muscle cramps, nervous disorders and abnormal heart functions. Check out the top 18 fruits high in Calcium, which is also a superior source of many other vital nutrients.


What Happens To Your Body When You Are Calcium Deficient?

Calcium is a crucial mineral needed by the body to strengthen bones and teeth. When you do not take the required amounts of Calcium, as per your gender and age, you are very likely to experience numerous health complications and the increased risk of fractures. The following are some of the symptoms of calcium deficiency:

  • Frequent Fainting
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety Issues
  • Brittle Nails
  • Dry Skin
  • Numbness
  • Tooth Decay
  • Muscle weakness
  • Cataracts
  • Spasms
  • Nervous Disorders

The Best Fruits That Are Rich In Calcium In India:

Wondering which fruits have Calcium? This article will explain the Most Calcium rich fruits list which makes you more healthy. These fruits with calcium are most powerful qualities than other fruits.

1. Oranges:

Who doesn’t like oranges? Often we eat them casually without being aware of its goodness. Orange is the best calcium rich fruit. Well here is a great chance to educate yourself about the nutritional value of oranges. These fruits contain about 45 to 50 milligrams of calcium along with powerful vitamins such as Vitamin C. Starting your morning with a glass of orange juice is an excellent source of Calcium in fruits.

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