
4th Month Pregnancy Diet (Week 13-16) Which Foods To Eat & Avoid

Your morning sickness has probably subsided by now, and you have entered the best period of your pregnancy, the second trimester, where there are very little restrictions and a lot of pampering. However, this is a very crucial phase as the baby grows the most in this phase, and how he will grow will depend upon the nutrients that you intake. Hence the 4th-month pregnancy diet should contain all the nutrients that are crucial for the baby’s growth and development.

In planning the 4th-month pregnancy food, your focus should be on what to eat and how much to eat. It is important to note that excessive eating will only add up to your weight but will never contribute to making your baby grow faster. Hence it is crucial that you strictly adhere to a balanced diet which includes sufficient quantity of fibre, calcium, iron and folic acid so that baby can get all the nutrition required for its healthy growth and development.


4th-Month Pregnancy Diet Chart:

It is crucial to plan your diet in the second trimester. The following are the list of nutrients that should be a part of your 4th-month pregnancy diet food.

  • Iron-rich food – The blood volume increases in the 4th month. Increasing the quantum of iron in food is crucial to meet the increased iron requirements in the blood. Foods that are rich in iron include tofu, soybeans, fish, meat, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seed, dry fruits and eggs.
  • Fibre-rich food – During the 4th month of pregnancy, the progesterone hormone slows down the digestion process while the uterus begins to grow to accommodate the growing baby who ends up in constipation. Eating fibre-rich food will ensure that you have a smooth bowel movement. Foods that are rich in fiber includes cereals such as oatmeal, barley, bran, seeds such as flax seeds, chia seeds, dry fruits such as almonds, pecans, pistachios and vegetables such as broccoli, artichokes, sweet corn, Brussels sprouts, green peas and fruits such as raspberries, figs, strawberries, bananas, apples and pears.
  • Calcium-rich foods – For strong bones in the baby, it is important that the body is supplied with a sufficient amount of calcium. Foods from which you can get calcium are milk, almonds, cheese, yoghurt, broccoli, and okra.
  • Proteins and carbohydrates – Proteins act as the building blocks of tissues and muscles and carbohydrates provides energy to the body. Protein-rich foods include legumes, nuts, lentils, meat, chicken, etc. while carbohydrates can be reaped from dals, whole wheat roti, and starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, rice, and pasta.

See More: Diet During 5Th Month Of Pregnancy

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