Tattoos with meaning

What Does Unicorn Tattoo Mean?

The magical horse from mythology with the horn coming directly out of its forehead is the unicorn. This mythical creature has been the topic of conversations, books and movies for many years. Unicorns happen to be the subject of many tattoo enthusiast’s ink. You might ask yourself why someone might get a unicorn tattooed on their body be say more should be doing it.

The story of the unicorn is a pretty cool one and they represent something magical. Something that takes us back to being kids. It’s something that reminds us that there is more out there than what we see every day. Life is more than our jobs. There is more than our bills. There is still some magic out there and it shows in the form of the unicorn.


In this post we are going to talk about the unicorn and what it symbolizes. People get this tattoo for more than just its looks and we will talk about what it means to them. In addition, we will talk about the different variations of the unicorn tattoo and images that people get tattooed with the unicorn. By the end of this post we hope you feel a bit more informed about why someone would get the unicorn tattoo. Maybe this will give you the push you need to get your own unicorn tattoo.

History of the Unicorn

Contrary to the beliefs of many, unicorns were not discussed in Greek mythology. However, there were accounts of unicorns in natural history by Greek writers. These writers were convinced that unicorns existed. They believed that unicorns lived in India which seemed like a million miles away to them. In a book by Ctesias called Indika, he spoke of these animals that he called wild asses. He described them as being fleet of foot, colored white, black and red and had a horn around 28 inches coming out from its head. Aristotle followed suit and wrote about the so called “Indian ass”.

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