Tattoos with meaning

What Does Still Rise Tattoo Mean?

The phrase ‘Still I Rise’ is one that is most recognized in the poem ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya
Angelou. Published in 1978, ‘Still I Rise’ consists of 32 short poems. Separated in 3 different parts, the poems main message is that of rising above the struggles and difficult times that may pass you. Maya Angelou is originally known for her award winning 7 autobiographies that she had published. Within all of her work, her two most popular poetry pieces were entitled ‘Phenomenal Woman’ and ‘Still I Rise’. Within the volume of poetry which these two poems are found, she speaks for her race and her womanly gender as well as the courageous resilience of her community. The poems received so much attention that the United Negro College Fund used ‘Still I Rise’ as the center of an advertising campaign.

Although this poem and phrase was made popular through the works of Maya Angelou, it does not necessarily mean that you have to be an expert or know everything, or anything about Maya Angelou. We do owe her thanks however, without her empowering so many people through her creativity and words, we would have a less realistic meaning of what ‘Still I Rise’ truly means. This phrase is not only for woman and the African-American community, but men and others of any race are equally entitled to sport this phrase. Like many phrases and tattoo concepts, they all hold true to the person owning them. Everyone has different views and opinions on things, a tattoo such as this could mean a number of different ideologies to the individual. Whatever your reasoning, this is a self empowering phrase that is a sign of determination and perseverance. Down below are examples of the ‘Still I Stand’ tattoo, different meanings behind them, and unique, creative concepts that people have gotten in retribution to the brave phrase.

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