Dating & confidence

7 Tips To Become More Confident And Social

I think we can all agree when I say: You have to learn how to become more confident and social if you want to live a more fulfilling life.

Am I right? If you’re not exactly sure how to do that, then you’re going to want to read this entire post.


The advice that I’m about to share with you is not only practical, but it’s also based on real-world results.

As a short Asian guy, I used to feel very insecure about myself.

In fact, I had a hard time assimilating when my family and I immigrated to Canada from the Philippines. At 17 years old, I was 60 pounds overweight and I also didn’t speak English.

Old me vs. new me

Standing at 5’5”, my height was also something that I felt embarrassed about. Because I’m a minority in a new country, I assumed that people wouldn’t like me due to my appearance.

My limiting beliefs held me back from putting myself out there. That’s why for the longest time, I had very few friends and my dating life was non-existent.

After I graduated from school, I worked as a structural designer and didn’t help my situation either. My job isolated me socially because I was required to sit in front of the computer for almost 40 hours a week.

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Needless to say, unless I made some drastic changes, my life would’ve been boring, lonely and uninspiring.

After years of self-education, learning from some of the best coaches out there and taking massive action, I was able to transform my situation. Nowadays, I feel more confident about myself, and have meaningful connections both in my personal and professional life.

In this post, I’m going to share with you my best tips to help you become more confident and social.

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