Dating & confidence

5 Body Language Tips to Boost Confidence Instantly (Regardless of Your Height)

You understand how important appearances are, and you know just how powerful clothing can be (for better or worse).

But the way you’re perceived isn’t just determined by what you wear. Your body language is equally powerful important.


Table of Contents

  • Strategy #1: Power Pose to Boost Confidence in 2 Minutes
  • Strategy #2: A Stronger Stance in 5 Simple Steps
  • Strategy #3: Use Your Hands Effectively
  • Strategy #4: Use Your Face
  • Strategy #5: Mirroring
  • Conclusion

You’re rocking your new tailored suit, your monk strap shoes and wayfarer sunglasses. You’re lookin’ good.

You look good on the outside but there’s that little something that you can’t put your finger on that doesn’t feel right. You’re thinking:

  • Do other people think I look good?
  • Do people still notice that I’m short?
  • Do they think I’m younger than I am?
  • Am I good enough/tall enough/cool enough to approach that cute girl?

What if I told you there were some simple body language strategies that you can use to look powerful, confident, charismatic and mature – and actually believe it. Not some fake it til you make it” bull***.

Well there is.

I’m going to give you simple body language strategies that you can use to come off as confident, charismatic and mature.

Your swagger game is going to be so high that those around you will disregard your height or build, because they’ll be focusing on you and your presence.

You’ll have the tools to make the impression you want to make. Beyond that, these strategies affect your internal mood, making you feel more confident and powerful by a few simple body language tweaks.

SEE ALSO: 100 Things That Happen When You Start Dressing Well 

These strategies can be used by anyone, regardless of your height or build. In this article, I’m going to show you:

  • How to boost your confidence and become a “man of action” in 120 seconds
  • Five steps to stand with perfect posture and maximize your height
  • What to do with your hands during conversations and how to shake hands properly
  • A subtle body language trick to become likeable, instantly
  • How to figure out if your conversation has rapport
  • The only thing you need to do to trigger feelings of happiness from someone (without saying a word)

Strategy #1: Power Pose to Boost Confidence in 2 Minutes

What if I told you that you could boost your confidence in just two minutes? You’d probably think I’m lying right?

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