Fashion tips

Padme Amidala Outfits: How to Copy the Senator’s Style

Here at CF, we are major fans of all things geek chic, particularly the Star Wars saga. With this in mind, we’reBelow I have created three galactic nighttime looks inspired by Padme Amidala’s outfits. kicking off a new series, Outfits Inspired by the Women of Star Wars. Over the weeks to come, we’ll be gaining style inspiration from the many kick-ass women of this beloved franchise.

Last time, I covered Princess Leia’s style. Today’s article will cover Leia’s mother, senator Padme Amidala, who is played by Natalie Portman in the franchise.


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About Padme Amidala and Her Style

As much as the infamous prequels are about the rise of Anakin Skywalker, so too do they follow Padme’s coming of age story. In the three films, we see her grow from teenage queen of Naboo, to a head senator in the Galactic Republic, to mother of Luke and Leia.

Padme has a quiet, reserved strength about her. She shows us that you don’t need a lightsaber or a blaster to be the most powerful woman in the room. (Although, she does often find that a blaster can come in handy.)

It must also be said that Padme’s character is often considered the most romantic of the Star Wars women. After all, much of her story revolves around her relationship with Anakin Skywalker, who will eventually become the fearsome Darth Vader.

Style wise, Padme’s looks are often quite flashy and over the top, befitting a high-profile woman in power. This is especially true when she is performing her duties as Queen of Naboo and hoping to command respect as a young monarch.

Padme’s outfits, though literally out of this world, can lend themselves to some great occasion wear looks. Below I have created three galactic nighttime looks inspired by Padme Amidala’s outfits. They’re sure to make you the center of attention and the talk of the Galaxy.

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