
Quiz: What’s Your Dorm Room Style?

It’s college shopping season (dun dun dun), and you know what that means! A new year, a new you, and probably the most exciting: a new room.

Whether it’s new bedding, a new desk, new posters, or new dishes, it can be super-exciting to decorate, but it can also be super-hard to decide what you really want and need for your dorm. After all, there are so many different options. 


I know, I can hear you saying “So I don’t need these bowls in every color?” The answer is, you really don’t. You will be much happier when you decide on a “theme” and all of your stuff correlates into such a small space. 

{RELATED POST: Dorm Room Style 101: How to Find Your Aesthetic}

And, even if you don’t live in a dorm, it’s the perfect time of year to buy essentials for your living space, because so many items are on sale right now.

If you still haven’t decided what “theme” or “style” you want your room to have, take this quiz and find out!

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Quiz Results!

Below are the results to the quiz. If you haven’t taken it yet, please don’t peek! I’ve put together some decor items to match each dorm room style. Scroll down to take a look:

Boho Hippie

Bean Bag, Trash Can, Tapestry, Geo Light, Sham Set, Candles, Wall Art, Banner, Plant

Everyone loves coming to your dorm because it’s the perfect place to chill and hang out. Big pillows and/or comfy chairs add seating, while flowy, cool tapestries keep the walls from looking bare. A not-so-boring trash can placed in plain site will also help your room stay clutter-free.

Try to hide anything that’s super-modern or made of metal and instead use items made from wood and glass to obtain the “chill hippie” vibe.

Modern Chic

Chairs, Clock, Planner, Bowl, Mugs, Wall Art, Pillows

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