
Most Dangerous Animals: 25 Deadly Species of Land and Water

Did you know that a single animal is responsible for causing ten lakh human deaths worldwide each year? Well, it’s not what you think! No tigers, sharks, snakes or other usual suspects in the most dangerous animal’s list. The answer is a Mosquito! This shows that size and appearance rarely decide the ferociousness and dangers associated with animals. Some kill you with their sheer muscle power, while some others with their teeth and venom.

So, don’t let their looks fool you! Learn how these 25 World’s most dangerous animals cause most human killings per year and their usual modes of attack!


List of 25 World’s Most Dangerous Animals with Pictures:

Here, we have put together a list of the 25 deadliest animals on earth that appear in no particular order:

1. Mosquitoes:

Mosquitoes may look like tiny, harmless bugs, but they are one of the most dangerous animals on earth. Certain mosquito species like Culex, Anopheles, Adeles etc., transmit deadly pathogens via saliva into the human body. Mosquito bites are responsible for dangerous diseases like malaria, filaria, dengue, encephalitides, etc., which kill many humans worldwide. Records also state that deaths caused by mosquitoes are far greater than the deaths in all wars that ever happened in human history.

  • Where Are They Found? Regions with warm, humid tropical and sub-tropical climates
  • Number of Killings per Year: More than 1 Million Globally

2. Cape Buffalo:

The Cape Buffalo is one of the world’s most dangerous land animal. It is aptly called the “Black Death” for its aggressive nature. Cape Buffalos are notorious for killing many game hunters than any other wild animals. A typical male Cape buffalo can intimidate you with its 6 feet tall and a 1750 pound bulky body. Escape routes are almost zero if you confront an injured or an angry animal! It can charge you with a speed of 35kph and tear you down with its thick, sharp horns.

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