Health & wellness

18 Best Lettuce Leaves Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

Lettuce leaves are indispensable to a great salad! These green leaves are known for their crunchy, refreshing taste and are one of the most widely used veggies. The origin of leaf Lettuce dates back to thousands of years when it was first cultivated during the Egyptian civilization. It was highly popularized during the 16th and 18th Centuries and was widely used for its Culinary and medicinal properties. However, there is a misconception that these leaves have zero nutrition, but the truth is quite the opposite! Check out this article to learn the many Lettuce Leaves Benefits to your skin, hair and health.


What Is Lettuce?

Lettuce is a green leafy vegetable with a scientific name of Lactuca Sativa. It belongs to the family of Asteraceae. It was originally used as a medicinal herb and was later used in making a variety of dishes. Lettuce leaves are the highest used ingredients in western countries, especially in Salads, Burgers and other snacks.

Types Of Lettuce Leaves:

There four different types of lettuce leaves, namely iceberg, butterhead, leaf and romaine.

  • Iceberg Lettuce is the common one used in almost every salad. It has a crisp bite to it.
  • Butterhead is a delicate kind with supple leaves. These are used as a garnish for various hors d’oeuvres.
  • Green and red lettuce leaves are a very delicate kind that and only be dressed just before serving.
  • Romaine lettuce has a bitter bite to it and is crisp and sweet at the ribs.

Romaine Lettuce Vs Iceberg Lettuce:

Romaine lettuce and Iceberg lettuce are two different varieties of the Lettuce plant. They are more or less the same in terms of calories and nutrition levels but vary in micronutrients. Iceberg lettuce is 95 % water and 5 % nutrition. Romaine Lettuce, on the other hand, contains higher percentages of nutrition, especially Vitamin K, A, and Folate, making it a more desirable variety of this veggie.

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