
150+ Literary Tattoos Only Bookworms Will Get

There’s nothing quite like reading a book. If you’re a bibliophile, you know what I am talking about. There’s no feeling like holding a book in your hands and getting lost in the words. You can learn about different people in the world, feel connected to cultures you’re never going to visit, deal with heartbreak, and derive life lessons. It doesn’t come as a surprise that many book lovers decide to ink themselves with something that will remind them forever of a book that moved them.

  • Kurt Vonnegut Quote


Kurt Vonnegut used this quote in Slaughterhouse-Five 106 times, each time after a character dies. Hence, teaching the readers to keep moving on.

  • Beat On Tattoo

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past” from The Great Gatsby is about the human condition. With a few words, you feel connected to everyone who has been and is to come.”

  • Nothing Hurts

Kurt Vonnegut’s quote convinces you that it all gets better someday.

  • Alice In Adventure Land

Alice’s adventures in Wonderland can make you imagine so much at different ages of your life.

  • Walt Whitman Quote

Walt Whitman’s words will encourage us to contribute a verse too.

  • The Little Prince

This quote from ‘The Little Prince’ remains relevant even after you grow up.

  • GOT Tattoo

“You’re mine,” she whispered. “Mine, as I’m yours. And if we die, we die. All men must die, Jon Snow. But first, we’ll live.” – Ygritte

  • Bibliophile Tattoo

  • Roald Dahl Tattoo

Roald Dahl never let a kid have a dull childhood.

  • Unless Tattoo

f you’re not sure of quotes, choose a word from your favorite quote. The ‘unless’ here is from one of Dr. Seuss’ quotes: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing’s going to get better, it’s not.”

  • Shakespeare Tattoo

There’s a reason Shakespeare is still famous. His philosophical words are tattoo-worthy.

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