Lifestyle & relationships

10 Proven Ways To Make a Woman Laugh

A woman wants to know who you really are, including your natural sense of humor. She needs to know that you’re going to make her laugh. Because trust us when we say if you can’t make her laugh, there’s not much else you’re going to get her to do.

She deserves to know the real you, and you deserve to be with someone who likes you for who that is. Authentic personal charm upstages rehearsed humor every time guaranteed. 


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6. Share Funny Stories About Your Past

Without being self-deprecating, tell stores about your past that reflect your funny stumbles and imperfections. But nothing too deep or too embarrassing, you want her to laugh with you, not at you. And whether you’re naturally funny or not, we all have childhood stories that spark a laugh every time we think about them.

When we add a dose of humor to the escapades from the past, we’re sharing a bit of personal history while also bringing laughter to the table. “Humorous story-telling is a great way to bring a level of intimacy to a conversation without getting too deep,” says Dr. Manly.

“And, if it’s your style, hyperbolic twists can be absolutely hilarious; stories that are a blend of the ridiculous and reality can keep a date guessing – and laughing for hours.” Once you start to share funny stories about your past, you can bet she’ll begin to as well so you won’t feel embarrassed alone. Hopefully.

7. Watch a Rom-Com Together

“Whether you share the fun of watching What Women Want or a classic like When Harry Met Sally, watching a rom-com with a date is a sure-fire way to break the ice and create common ground,” says Dr. Manly. Not only do you laugh together as you watch the movie, but you’ll continue to laugh as you chat about the film afterward.

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