Lifestyle & relationships

How To Make Your Online Dating Profile Stand Out

Here’s somewhere we never thought we’d be doing, enhancing our online dating profiles like they’re our CVs! But it’s just as important to find your other half in the digital age, nevertheless. With thousands, even millions if we’re being realistic, of online dating profiles out there, how do you make yours stand out? Finding love online can seem like a needle in a haystack, but there are ways in which you can increase your odds. So, without further ado, let’s get into how you can make your online dating profile one to remember.

Choose the Best Pictures of You


The first thing potential dates will see on your online dating profile is pictures of you, so you want to make a good first impression. This means avoiding photographs from drunken nights out, fishing trips (unless you want to be the least attractive catch of the day), and LinkedIn – you’re trying to land a date, not a job interview. They should be friendly, natural pictures (please no photoshoots) of you and you only, no one has the time to try and figure out which one you are. If you’re not quite sure what this all looks like, think of a photograph you’d be happy for her to show her girlfriends or her mum. If either of them is going to try and talk her out of going on a date with you from what they see, you need to update your online dating profile, stat.

Give Them an Insight Into What It’s Like To Date You

If you’ve got the pictures right, the next thing they’ll do is check out the written parts of your profile. Many people leave a bio or questions blank like it’s an option, but if you want to go on a date, it’s mandatory – a few good pictures won’t cut it.

Going on a date with a total stranger from an online dating app without any more information and discovering a deep connection is a long shot, so most potential dates will skip out on your profile, as it gives the impression that you’re not serious about dating if you can’t be bothered to fill it out properly. At most, if you’re not spinning a web of elaborate lies, it’ll take you 10 minutes to answer the questions as yourself. Just taking the time to fill out your online dating profile will make it more attractive when so many of them are left blank.

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