Lifestyle & relationships

How To Get Your Crush To Like You Back

So, you’ve found yourself crushing over someone and wondering if they ever even notice you. You’re thinking “how do I get my crush to like me back if she doesn’t even know my name?” While you can’t make her like you back (sigh), there are things you can do to put yourself in the best possible position to notice you. 

The dating game is constantly changing and evolving, but there are a few simple rules that remain the same – and that’s what women look for in a man. A man that has confidence, is a good listener, has ambitions, and takes care of his appearance will never not be attractive. We speak to Elizabeth Overstreet, Relationship Expert and Author, on her top tips for getting your crush to like you back. 


1. Confidence Is Like Kryptonite

Women are attracted to confidence. It’s as simple as that. But it does get a little more complicated when you realize it’s not just about looks – confidence is skin deep. It’s not just about being confident with the way that you look, but who you are as a person. “It isn’t always about looks but how comfortable you feel in your own skin,” says Overstreet. 

You need to be able to take a compliment like a champ but also have confidence in your career, life goals, or what you have to offer except good looks. “There is nothing sexier than a confident man. Confidence is an instant magnet for attraction,” she says. 

You’ve probably noticed that a beautiful woman gets even more beautiful when you learn of their confidence. Or someone you never thought of as attractive is now drawing you in. Someone unafraid to go after what they want, knows their value, and won’t settle for less than they deserve becomes instantly more attractive regardless of what they look like. Women know what they want and they don’t want to be with a man who has no idea what he’s doing.

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