Lifestyle & relationships

How to Talk to a Girl You Like: 7 Foolproof Steps That Work!

While it is effortless to like a girl and feel the pull of attraction towards her talking to her is an entirely different experience. Some men struggle with talking to a girl they like for various reasons, but the most prominent is the fear of rejection.


No one wants to be rejected!!

But come on, if you allow the fear of rejection to hold you back from reaching out to a lady you like, you will never enjoy the joy and happiness that comes with being in a relationship. Let’s not get into the “Serious” relationship conversation as that is an idea you can only explore after taking the first step: talking to her.

This article will inspire you with tested and proven steps to help you talk to any girl you like. Did you note the keyword at the title? FOOLPROOF!! When something is foolproof, it means the steps are simple yet reliable and leaves no opportunity for errors, misuse, or failure.

This realization means that everything you will learn and unearth in this article will be so useful that you can talk to the girl you like right away. Let us begin with the first step, a foundational one that helps you refine your conversational skills.

Step One: Interact Randomly With Other Girls

The first step to talking to the girl you like is to build your conversational skills by talking with other girls. By other girls here, we mean other girls you meet at places where you could interact. This first step is crucial because some men fail to speak well with women they like because they cannot interact with the opposite sex.

Maybe you are shy or have had limited exposure to women (it doesn’t matter) now you are here reading this material that will change everything.

Every time you find yourself amid women at an event or someplace else, reach out to converse with them as this will help you learn how to stay relaxed when speaking to a girl. For example, if you enjoy parties, you will find a lot of girls, strike up a conversation with them.

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