Lifestyle & relationships

All Men Should Know These: Signs That A Girl Likes You

In All Honesty:

“The best policy to solving this puzzle is to simply know when she’s not interested to begin with… Otherwise you’ll be rehashing things that don’t even matter. Women are like books in libraries.. There’s so many to choose from. I could write a story about each one. Never dwell on a bad read gentlemen.”


I’ve seen a ton of men’s guides out there that stumble their way though trying to explain all the subtle signs women give.

Their attempts are quite humorous to be honest.. And when I found out there are actually a ton of men trying to find the answer to the age old question: “How can you tell if a girl likes you”, I felt obligated to put something real out there.

But let’s face it gentlemen, the truth is every single woman is different, there are no clear cut answers. To actually help any men reading this and seeking advice, I’m going to be explaining this in reverse. And no, the title isn’t misleading, here’s why:

If she’s not displaying these negative signs I’ve outlined below, then the chances that she likes you are high. Stop wondering if that one random hair flip means she wants to have sex with you, come on man that’s crazy…

It’s almost as bad as the women’s magazines that claim men totally love ice cubes on their nipples and clothing pins poked in places below the belt. Because that turns on us like cave men in bed right? See what I mean, it’s all just nonsense.

Keeping reading and you discover something most men won’t in a lifetime..


1. Where Is The Love?

You’ve decided that it’s time to put yourself out there, to be social with women, and try to let go of a little bit of your shyness. Suddenly, you encounter a brick wall who’s dressed to kill and won’t give you the time of day. All that hard-won optimism crashes to the ground and goes up in flames…

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