Lifestyle & relationships

All Men Should Know These: Signs That A Girl Likes You

Prevalent indicators of disinterest include:



3. The Wandering Gaze

The Wandering Gaze — if she isn’t making eye-contact with you, but is staring around the club or bar, this is usually a good indication that she isn’t interested.

What it means: Eye-contact, even side-long or flickering gazes and glances are signs that she is listening to you, actively engaged in the conversation. A downcast or averted gaze that isn’t focused in the distance is usually a sign of shyness or social discomfort, not disinterest, but you should adjust your approach accordingly.

What is often used to consciously communicate disinterest is the deliberately wandering gaze that seems to be looking elsewhere for stimulation. Even when women don’t know they’re doing it, they are sending you the message that it’s time to try your luck elsewhere through this tactic.

It isn’t necessarily a sex-specific trait, either. If you think about it, you’ll find yourself remembering situations with other guys in which such a move was an indicator of disrespect or inattention.


4. Averted or Closed Posture

Averted or Closed Posture — is she leaning away from you or turning her upper body in another direction? Are her arms crossed in front of her? These and other postures can indicate that she’s not desirous of a connection with you, no matter how cool you are.

This can also be a sign that she’s uncomfortable or feels threatened by your attention. Even if you don’t think you’re coming on too strongly, there may be factors that cause her to perceive you as overbearing.

They may have nothing to do with you, but take a step back anyway. If she’s communicating simple disinterest, don’t sweat it. I’ll cover what to do in the next section.


5. Tone and Length of Response

Tone and Length of Response — Short or monosyllabic responses delivered in an uninflected or “bored-sounding” voice are a big red flag that you’re not getting anywhere with her. This is often the biggest sign of what many would call the “bitch” treatment.

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