Lifestyle & relationships

How To Get A Girl To Like You – 29 Ways Every Man Must Know

You’ve got to sell yourself, the best version of yourself! It doesn’t matter if you’re a car salesman or a regular Joe. Life is all about selling!

Even the worst, first-time salesmen of this world learn by doing. Practice, practice, practice. You’ve heard it a million times, and yeah, I know it gets old after a while. However, all-star salesmen of this world continually take bigger risks, step on their own d-ck, and learn from their mistakes so they can keep pushing forward.


In time their emotional bank account is like a mountain, it’s massive! Eventually, they learn to trust their gut and act as if they have no limits to their ability. They can sell anything to anyone, including themselves.

Through all the fear, there is one thing they had to do continually: Pull the d-mn trigger and take action. Now, this guide on how to get a woman to like you isn’t just about taking action. Though, that is primarily how you get the job done, to begin with. I’m sure some of you gentlemen are up for any challenge and aren’t afraid of failure.

Below you will find 29 ways every man must know in life when it comes to getting girls to like you. From what you say to how you dress and beyond. This isn’t your ordinary, run of the mill list you can feel good about. I don’t have time to write about that kind of nonsense.

This is the definitive guide, one that I hope makes you realize how f-cked up you are at the end. If you can’t figure out how to get a girl to like you after reading this, then you need to step back and understand one thing: Not every woman out there is going to like you.

Not all girls are the same! Period. Don’t get fixated one just one and reek of desperation like so many men today do. You have plenty of options; millions and millions if you would just f-cking believe it to be true. You don’t need a Ferrari or castle to make it happen, though, they help.

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