Lifestyle & relationships

What Do Girls Find Attractive In Men – 29 Irresistible Traits

Before I dive into what girls find attractive in men, let’s cover one thing first. Because there is a big difference between being a “nice guy” and being a “bad boy.”



It doesn’t just influence women. It influences business partners, family, friends, and people from all walks of life. It’s like financial schemes where BOTH men and women take the bait. They’ll put up with so much sh-t because they can’t stop dreaming about what could be. Money dreams aside; when it comes to relationships, the truth is you don’t have to sell a forged dream.

You just have to be a salesman and sell yourself. In other words, be real. It’s okay to sell a white lie every now and then; all men do it, and so do women. But when it comes to you, the product, you can’t sell what you don’t even have.

Let’s face it, while being in a manipulative relationship will get you what you want,(and there’s no doubt about it), if you can’t mentally handle an unhealthy relationship, it will tear you apart in the end. This is true especially once you realize that you have nothing to offer, and the customer (your significant other) is going to be angry and crazy.

Eventually, your love life will be broken and will crumble on downwards. Now, there are honest expectations women want from men, and they all vary a great deal. Let’s talk about them. When you take a look at this list below, understand some women may be okay with this and that, while other women may want the exact opposite.

Some men like big boobs, others like small boobs. Women are really no different; we all are picky about something. And more than often, we accept small tradeoffs, because negotiating with reason is just how the world works.

As you read this, don’t worry about what you can’t offer, focus on areas in which you can improve yourself. Be in the moment today if you see an attractive woman nearby. Just by being in a relationship, you’re going to grow yourself as a person. No matter what your past entails.

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