Lifestyle & relationships

12 Rules To Help Make Your Open Relationship Work

The term ‘open relationship’ has become much more common over the past decade. While our parent’s generation was all about finding someone to marry and have kids with, today’s generation is happy to play the field, both in and out of relationships. You are no longer expected to spend the rest of your life with one person.

People are more open to experimenting with different partners and are seeking new experiences. One study from 2015 revealed that one in five American’s has been in a non-monogamous relationship at some point in their lives. Another study by Psychology Today discovered that between 23%-40% of men and 11%-22% of women want to try it. Put simply, open relationships are on the rise and here to stay.


While open relationships are gaining traction, it’s still something that’s new to many. If you or your partner are looking at giving it a go, you should communicate your needs to each other and make sure you are both on the same page. Going from a committed, monogamous relationship to one that involves multiple parties can get messy quick.

The best way to avoid any sticky situations is to lay down some guidelines you can both follow. To make sure you know what you are in for, here is a brief rundown of what an open relationship is along with 12 rules to make your open relationship work.

What Is an Open Relationship?

There are two main definitions when it comes to categorizing what an open relationship is. The first details an ‘open relationship’ as being an overarching term that includes all forms of non-monogamy, such as polyamory, swingers, monagom-ish, and more. The second is one most people refer to, which explains that an ‘open relationship is primarily about two people agreeing to sleep with other people while still being in a committed relationship.

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