Health & wellness

What Is HCG Diet Plan

HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Diet is a very low calorie diet plan meant for weight loss and maintenance of immune system in the body. HCG is originally a hormone produced during pregnancy that is a prescribed medication to treat fertility issues.


HCG Diet restricts calorie intake from 500 – 800 calories per day. If you follow the HCG diet plan, there likely are chances of losing a lot of weight in very less time. However, it is not recommended for pregnant ladies and people having serious digestion and heart issues. The diet plan should be carried out for several shot periods rather than a very long duration to prevent ill effects on other organs.

See More: Diet For Pcos Patients

The HCG Diet Plan:

The HCG diet is targeted towards losing weight by following a certain plan. Let us see how it will work.

Phase 1: Preparatory Period:

The hcg diet plan begins with preparing your body for the changes it will undergo in the coming time. For it increase in water intake, regular walks in the morning for at least 30 minutes and breathing exercises should be started. Also, intake of breadfruit and apples should be increased to cleanse the system. This phase for most of it is the cleansing phase that allows your body to get rid of all extra impurities and germs that lead to excess bloating.

Stick to having at least 6 glasses of water each day and keep the walks to short fast paced ones for at least thrice a week. As for the breathing exercise, breathing in an out while you hold your breath in between for a few seconds should do the trick. When the question of what HCG diet is arises, this phase isn’t of much importance and hence there is no change in your diet to be undertaken yet. It just prepares your body for the HCG diet plan.

Phase 2: Increase Energy:

During this phase, the target is to make the body store a lot of energy in 3 days before it moves on to a restricted food habit. You probably have to eat anything and everything you can to keep the energy levels high. From the fourth day a VLCD is planned and continued until 25 to 45 days depending upon the amount of weight loss targeted. The diet should consist of a 500 calorie diet all day, divided into the 3 main meals and regular snack intakes in between. For breakfast of the HCG diet menu, stick to green tea or light coffee. Avoid sugar. You can switch to artificial sweeteners instead.

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