Lifestyle & relationships

10 Proven Ways To Make a Woman Laugh

We all want to make people laugh – it’s an incredibly desirable trait to have. And the fact that it’s one of the top qualities women look for in a man makes it all the more important.

Have you ever been on a good date and not found yourself laughing? That’s because there’s no such thing as a good date without laughter. It makes dates more fun, takes the pressure off, and kills awkward silences.


Being able to make a woman laugh will not only help you to secure a second and third date, but it’ll also boost your confidence which will definitely have something to do with date number four. 

Some men are natural-born comedians, they’re hilarious without even meaning to be. Even though you might envy them, you can’t help but laugh either, they’re that funny. But just because you’re not ready to jump into stand-up comedy, doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to be funny, or funnier if you’re not starting from scratch.

We speak to the experts to find out 10 proven ways to make a woman laugh, but don’t just take our word for it. 

1. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

“One of the first steps to making a woman laugh is to not take yourself too seriously. It sends a powerful signal – it shows that you are comfortable in your own skin which is a highly attractive trait,” says Jessica Alderson, Co-Founder at So Syncd. So why does this matter?

Women are much more likely to laugh when they are with someone who appears confident because they feel more at ease themselves. If you feel relaxed, she’ll pick up on this and mirror your behavior. Once she’s relaxed, getting her to laugh will be effortless. Or at least a lot easier.

2. Work Out Your Style of Humor

“Figuring out what style of humor suits you best will set you on the right path to making her laugh. Perhaps you’re the kind of man who can deliver a perfectly timed deadpan joke. Or you might be a master of wordplay,” says Alderson.

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