Lifestyle & relationships

How Working Too Much Can Impact Your Relationship

Everyone has to work, but some of us take things a little more seriously than others. There is nothing wrong with making your career the priority in your life, but if that is the case, be prepared for it to impact your relationships. Being overworked and stressed out by deadlines isn’t good for anyone’s mental health, especially if you are in a loving relationship. As the old saying goes, “work to live, don’t live to work.” That is unless your job is incredible and you love it. Then go your hardest.

Maintaining a healthy work/life balance is something we all strive to achieve, but things don’t always pan out that way. The average American works 40-60 hours per week, which doesn’t leave a lot of time to spend with your partner when you factor in sleeping, spending time with your kids, and looking after yourself. In saying that, the impact work has on your relationship varies from person to person.


A 2015 study found that people who focus on their careers and put in the extra hours actually have healthy relationships with their partners. They understand that working long hours is not ideal, but the rewards at the end are. These people also prioritize the time they spend with their loved ones and make the most of the small window they can be together.

While the results are positive, not everyone who is a workaholic is able to enjoy a stable romantic relationship. Focusing on work too much can cause you to neglect your partner and put a strain on the relationship. If you are burning the candle at both ends, you might only see your partner when you both get up in the morning, which is not conducive to a healthy relationship.

10 Signs You Are Working Too Much

It is not always easy to tell if you are overworked or just having a tough couple of weeks in the office. To help you discover whether you are working too much or not, we have come up with 10 signs that demonstrate how working too much may be affecting your relationship.

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