Men's style

The New Commandments Of Wearing Suits With Trainers

You may think that tailoring with trainers is as stylish as sandals with socks. Well, it is. By which we mean, it’s a move once reserved for guys who valued comfort over style, but is now in vogue, after the fashion set discovered that being comfortable can actually look pretty stylish.

But while the socks-and-sliders thing is best left to rail-thin models and overweight German tourists (both of whom also share a penchant for short-shorts), suits and sneakers is much easier to pull off.


If you follow these guidelines that is, which will keep you looking more like Mark Ronson, and less like the guy in your office who switches into gym shoes for the commute.

Do… Keep Things Classic

You’re making a statement with your shoes, so your suit shouldn’t. This is no time to be revealing that banana-colored three-piece.

Start with a slim-cut, navy suit and white sneakers – the more minimalist, the better. Make sure your trousers are slim- or skinny-fit; flared or boot cut will simply not work. With trainers, or, frankly, anything else.

Mango Man SS15

Don’t… Cheap Out

As with your ordinary work shoes, quality counts. Premium materials, traditional construction techniques and details such as hand-stitching allow you a little more aesthetic wiggle room than rolling up in kicks you found in your supermarket’s discount bin.

Do… Link Your Look With Colour

The more links you can create between top and toe, the more these seemingly disparate elements gel. Colour is an easy way to pull your trainers into the rest of your look, but keep it subtle; if your suit’s navy, a pop of the same in a logo or lace is better than an all-blue trainer. Otherwise you’ll just look like you’re wearing a onesie.

More subtle is pulling out a shade from your sneakers in your shirt or tie, or even echoing a suede trainer’s soft nap with cashmere around your neck.

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