Health & wellness

9 Best Crunch Exercises – How to Do

Crunches are some of basic exercises people use to tone their abs and flatten their stomach. It doesn’t require any equipment and gives you gym quality results within a few weeks time. It accentuates your waist and works your abdominals. There are different types of Crunch Exercises to burn those unwanted calories. They have shared below in the following paragraphs.


Crunch Exercises:

Here you Get 9 Different Types of Crunch Exercises for Flat Stomach.

Basic Crunch:

Lie on your back and bend your knees. Keep them flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Don’t interlace your fingers. Pull your abdominals inwards. Now slowly lift your head, neck and shoulder blades off the floor. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly go back down.

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Reverse Crunches:

To do the reverse crunch, lay flat on the floor and keep your hands behind your head. Bring your knees inwards creating a 90 degree angle. Start pulling your legs towards your chest. Now crunch your abs. Hold for a few seconds and then go back to normal position. Do about two sets of ten each to get results.

Crunch Twist:

To do the crunch twist, keep your knees flat on the floor and bend them. Bring your elbow to the opposite knee the moment you are about to do your first crunch. Hold for a few seconds and then go back to your normal position. Try to alternate between left and right sides. Do this for about twenty times in order to get the best out of it.

Bicycle Crunch:

For the bicycle crunch, lie on the floor first and hold a chair or table so that you can keep your back against the ground. Lift one leg and bend it towards the stomach. Replace the leg that is parallel to the ground and perform a bicycle like motion movement. One rep is only counted when both your left and right leg has come up to your stomach.

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