College life

Real Talk: What to Do If You Hate College

This post will show you exactly what to do if you hate college.

College is frequently touted as being “the best years of your life”.


According to television, newspapers, books, your older sister, and even your neighbor, college is supposed to be so great.

Filled with meaningful conversations and meaningless hook ups, college is one last celebration before the realities of the real world set in.

But what if it isn’t?

For many of us, college isn’t anything like we imagined.

Maybe classes are fine and your roommate is perfectly lovely, but something deep down inside just isn’t clicking with this whole “college” thing. And while your parents are telling you to give it the old “college try” (pun intended), you’d rather much stay in your room and surf the internet.

The disappointment created when our expectations are not met is particularly hurtful because it never feels as if we’ve been fed a well-crafted lie; rather, we all believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with what we’re doing… or with ourselves.

However, I’m here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with what you are doing.

And there’s nothing wrong with you.

Sometimes a school just isn’t a right fit. Sometimes college itself isn’t for you. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with these realizations. 

If you find yourself feeling a little disappointed after arriving at university, follow these tips to gain understanding of and a plan for your situation.

Table of Contents

The First Two Things to Do If You Hate College:

1. Figure Out What and Why

This may seem obvious to some, but for many of us it can be difficult to ascertain the source of our problems. It’s all too easy to be consumed by our struggles without ever figuring out what is bothering you about your school and why. 

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