College life

5 Famous Ladies Who Would Rather Be Single on Valentine’s Day

Look, I love chocolates, hearts, and, um, love, as much as the next gal, but to be totally honest, I HATE Valentine’s Day with a deep, dark passion. 

That is, I hate Valentine’s Day when I’m single. 


It’s always nice when you get a gift from bae on this special day, but if you’re currently as bae-less as I am, then V-Day, with its tendency for influencing couples to commit serious PDA, can be pretty rough. 

No need to get so gloomy, though! Valentine’s Day doesn’t necessarily have to stink if you’re single – just ask Jane Austen, Queen Elizabeth I, and many other famous, radical women who dared to stay single throughout the majority of their lives and still seriously slayed. 

Table of Contents

Jane Austen

Yes, the reigning queen of Regional-era romance, author of Pride and Prejudice, among others, and therefore the creator of ultra-hunk Mr. Darcy, never married or had any serious romances, though she was once engaged – for less than a day! Austen quickly realized she didn’t love her fiancé, and if it’s not love, it’s not worth it.

Queen Elizabeth I

At a time when women weren’t good for much else than cleaning, cooking, and baby-making, Elizabeth literally ruled, bringing England into a golden age all by herself. Sure, she had a few rumored flings, but this actual queen had much bigger fish to fry – by making history, that is. 

Coco Chanel

You miiiiight have heard of Chanel‘s legendary clothing and perfume line (or worn her designs yourself – if so, lucky you!). While the only fashion designer to appear on Time’s “Most Influential People of the 20th Century” had a boyfriend or two in her time, singledom was more her style (get it?).

Condoleeza Rice 

Rice was the first female African-American Secretary of State – who needs a partner when you can have a tremendous title like that??! Like Austen, Rice was briefly engaged before, but some things just don’t work out. Her career, however, totally did. 

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