Tattoo ideas

What Does Memorial Tattoo Mean?

Memorial tattoos seek to honor and respect either an individual who has passed on or a significant event that deserves to be eternally remembered. These are extremely personal tattoos, but they’re also a source of pride for the owners. If you have a loved one that you want to honor or you want to memorialize an event, then a memorial tattoo could be the perfect tattoo design to get. Below we will take a look at some of the most popular memorial tattoos and some design options that people often opt to use.

Some memorial tattoos serve as a personal tribute to a tragedy, within one’s family and friends or something with a global impact. These designs often have the dates of the events and will usually include any people who were involved in them. If you don’t want to get a heavily detailed memorial tattoo or you just want to keep it small, then simply putting the name of the event and the dates when it occurred will work, too.


A great idea for memorial tattoos honoring an individual is to think of all of the things they loved during their lifetimes. If they loved to write or draw, incorporate some images that show that. If they were very family oriented, then maybe add in portraits of more family members. How your memorial tattoo is designed is 100 percent dependent on who you are and who they were. You might think that these things make the design process even tougher, but the truth is that thinking about those things and incorporating more personal images will make the final design that much more meaningful.

Symbols of a deceased loved one or tragic event, are often created with solemn tones in order to convey the loss that has been felt. These are never meant to be flashy designs, so most people will make sure that their memorial tattoos are situated away from any other tattoos they may have. It’s not always easy to design these types of toned down tattoos, so be sure that you work with an artist who has a lot of experience with them so you’ll end up with a toned down and respectful design that you can be proud of.

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