Health & wellness

14 Home Remedies for Heel Pain: Causes & Symptoms

  • Rosemary oil.
  • Lavender oil.

Some of the commonly found oils can also be effective. They are:

  • Coconut oil.
  • Olive oil.

5. Foot Massager:

A good massage on the area of pain can be a perfect home remedy for sore heels. It provides comfort to your muscles by stimulating blood flow resulting in pain relief. You can massage yourself any time of the day, but it is preferable to get it done after a workout.


Precaution: Consult your doctor before getting a massage if you are pregnant since it can be dangerous to stimulate certain pressure points.

6. Ice Pack:

One of the ideal ways to bring down inflammation and swelling in the heel area is by using an ice pack or also known as ice therapy. It helps shrink the blood vessels in a painful size, which thereby decreases swelling and inflammation. Use a juice container covered in ice and roll it over the aching heel. Follow this process for about 20 minutes and leave it alone for another 40 minutes before reapplying the ice bottle.

7. Vitamins and Minerals:

Intake of calcium and magnesium are necessary vitamins and minerals that help reduce calcium deposits in the body that causes heel pain. Calcium helps regulate bone growth along with keeping them healthy. Simultaneously, the intake of an appropriate amount of magnesium prevents the formation of calcium deposits and utilizes it for bone health.

  • Green leafy vegetables, nuts, soybeans, milk, cheese, and yogurt are some of the foods that are rich sources of calcium.
  • Whole grain and various types of beans and brown rice are sources of magnesium.

8. Yoga:

Yoga provides strength, flexibility, along with several other health benefits. If you are suffering from heel pain, stick to stretches that do not put more pressure on your heels or arch. Pick stretches that require no sudden movements, making yoga heel spur natural treatment. Unlike running or any other aerobic exercises, yoga puts very little pressure on heels. Here is a list of stretches you can try.

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